The Fat Doctor Podcast

Harper's Story

Dr Asher Larmie Season 5 Episode 7

Through Harper's journey from dismissive doctors to eventual fibromyalgia diagnosis, I explore how weight stigma, medical gaslighting, and inadequate pain management create layers of trauma for patients in marginalized bodies. I break down the science of fibromyalgia in accessible terms and explain how the nervous system's "volume control" for pain gets stuck on high. 

Key moments:

  • Medical Trauma Discussion (20:52) - An examination of how repeated negative healthcare experiences create lasting trauma (the bag of sh*t)
  • Understanding Fibromyalgia (25:59): Explanation of fibromyalgia which affects 5% of the global population and is still so poorly understood
  • Everything You've Been Told About Weight Loss is a Lie (31:31): Part 2 of my analysis of a 2013 study by Tomiyama, Alstrom and Mann examining the relationship between weight loss and health outcomes.
  • Ask Me Anything (36:49): Discussion of glucosamine sulfate's role in preventing osteoarthritis, based on a randomized controlled trial.
  • Community Information & Closing (40:43): Information about The Weighting Room community, on demand fibromyalgia masterclass, and consultation services.

This week's paper is  Tomiyama, A. Janet, Britt Ahlstrom, and Traci Mann. "Long-term Effects of Dieting: Is Weight Loss Related to Health?" Social and Personality Psychology Compass, vol. 7, no. 12, 2013, pp. 861-877. Wiley Online Library,

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