The Fat Doctor Podcast
How would you react if someone told you that most of what we are taught to believe about healthy bodies is a lie? How would you feel if that person was a medical doctor with over 20 years experience treating patients and seeing the harm caused by all this misinformation?In their podcast, Dr Asher Larmie, an experienced General Practitioner and self-styled Fat Doctor, examines and challenges 'health' as we know it through passionate, unfiltered conversations with guest experts, colleagues and friends.They tackle the various ways in which weight stigma and anti-fat bias impact both individuals and society as a whole. From the classroom to the boardroom, the doctors office to the local pub, weight-based discrimination is everywhere. Is it any wonder that it has such an impact on our health? Whether you're a person affected by weight stigma, a healthcare professional, a concerned parent or an ally who shares our view that people in larger bodies deserve better, Asher and the team at 'The Fat Doctor Podcast' welcomes you into the inner circle.
The Fat Doctor Podcast
Jay's Story
Meet Jay, whose twenty-year health journey reflects the experience of countless Fat patients in rural communities. From an old motorcycle injury to high blood pressure, their story illustrates how weight-centric medical care can lead to years of frustrated consultations, missed diagnoses, and deteriorating health.
00:18:44 - What does weight inclusive care look like?
In this episode, I break down how weight-inclusive care changes everything - from the first examination to long-term treatment plans. I share how proper medical investigation, understanding of weight cycling, and compassionate care can transform both patient outcomes and the doctor-patient relationship.
00:27:19 - Everything You've Been Told About Weight Loss Is A Lie
Diet and exercise do NOT reduce the risk of developing OA of the knee according to the PROOF study. Today's study is entitled "The role of diet and exercise and of glucosamine sulfate in the prevention of knee osteoarthritis: Further results from the PRevention of knee Osteoarthritis in Overweight Females (PROOF) study"
00:31:13 - Ask Me Anything
I was asked to weigh in on the weight inclusive treatment of high cholesterol (nice pun, by the way!)
Want to learn more about the weight inclusive management of high blood pressure and arthritis of the knee? Then check out my on-demand masterclasses.
And if you're looking for a weight inclusive doctor and struggling to find one, don't forget that you can consult with me anytime.
Visit Asher's website and check out all his FREE RESOURCES. You can also book a consultation, join a course, find out about upcoming events, or join their exclusive online community The Weighting Room. If you enjoy this podcast and would like to support Asher so that he can continue making them, you can become a Patron. You'll find Asher on all the usual social media channels including Instagram, YouTube and Tik Tok.