The Fat Doctor Podcast
How would you react if someone told you that most of what we are taught to believe about healthy bodies is a lie? How would you feel if that person was a medical doctor with over 20 years experience treating patients and seeing the harm caused by all this misinformation?In their podcast, Dr Asher Larmie, an experienced General Practitioner and self-styled Fat Doctor, examines and challenges 'health' as we know it through passionate, unfiltered conversations with guest experts, colleagues and friends.They tackle the various ways in which weight stigma and anti-fat bias impact both individuals and society as a whole. From the classroom to the boardroom, the doctors office to the local pub, weight-based discrimination is everywhere. Is it any wonder that it has such an impact on our health? Whether you're a person affected by weight stigma, a healthcare professional, a concerned parent or an ally who shares our view that people in larger bodies deserve better, Asher and the team at 'The Fat Doctor Podcast' welcomes you into the inner circle.
The Fat Doctor Podcast
There's no such thing as the Amercian Dream
A whole bunch of us were raised on the premise of an Amercian Dream, and it turns out we were all sold a lie. The harder we work, the less we own. As the average life expectancy reaches new heights, so too do health disaprities. No matter who we vote for, politicians have zero interest in doing the will of the people. And there's no justice to be found in the legal justice system. So now that we've woken up (some of us have been awake for a while now), what are we going to do about it?
Got a question for the next podcast? Let me know!
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